KFML AM-FM  Colorado Free Form Radio

Text Box:     A Lady, Herb Neu, Cheech Marin, Tommy Chong, and Carole (Herb’s late wife)

This  photo was taken by Dan at one of our early partays.  My late, former wife, Carole, is on the  right.  I have no idea what my left hand is doing.  I so wanted to be hep.  Maybe that's what Carole's laughing about.  Does anybody know who the lady with the container might be?






Text Box: On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Herb Neu wrote:

I think a little more discussion needs to be about KMYR, which was the genesis, in my opinion, of KFML.  I base this on the connections that were made with Thom, Ashford, and a few others, including Brian (I think).  There were some great Denver stories during the actual birthing of Free Form in 1968-69.  More than KLZ-FM, KMYR showed Denver what could be in radio.  It lasted about 12 months until Doubleday fired everyone for being anti-establishment.  It was my first real experience in selling a concept and a lifestyle, as opposed to "numbers."  The concept of this kind of radio and the dreams of the era were my passion.
Just a thought. :•)

 Herb Tarlek